I'm so angry right now! My second FOIA request is over $1,000! I'm asking for phone records and such from around the time Pam was murdered. After I pay they still have to redact information. I believe that what I think happened did indeed happen.
For three years we have tried to come to terms about Pam's murder. It is so unbelievably hard to do. And knowing there are people who are partly responsible still looking at there children everyday pisses me off! If one of these people did in fact act on Kevin's behaviors maybe they would BOTH be here! If Bill Bomar acted in the proper way on November 2, 2007, Pam would be here with her children! Kyle and Kayla! Bomar did a wrong thing that day that set the ball rolling. And here we are three years later. If we did not have Kayla's custody issues in the beginning and that will continue, a lawsuit against Bomar and friends would be happening! I still have a few more months to make our final decision on this matter.
Anyway I decided to put Bomar's statement from the police report here for you to read. What do you think? I would put Ed's police report statement also but, there is no report! Why is that?
I will be continuing to add more of the police report. I'm doing this so you'll have a chance to read it without having to pay the fee. Also I would like to hear what you think. Please keep checking back. Have a great day and may god bless you!
I'm having technical difficulties will post soon